CROSS STITCHED EYES - AUTOSARCOPHAGY 12" is in stock on both Purple and Silver vinyl as Cross Stitched Eyes continue to combine elements of postpunk and deathrock from the likes of early KILLING JOKE, AMEBIX and RUDIMENTARY PENI with more obscure psychedelic rock influences , odd timings and drone like compositions. EXTINCTEXIST - ANTHROPOCENE LP brute and heavy bulldozer crust from Melbourne,Australia going berserk! EXTINCT EXIST features members of NUCLEAR DEATH TERROR, PISSCHRIST and ABC WEAPON, it is the long awaited new album from Melbourne's crucial crust ensemble and follows up the 2016 'Cursed Earth' 12" which is also back in stock. Also featuring members of ExtinctExist is Lái 来 forged an absolute menacing fusion of raging swedish d-beat and manic old school hardcore punk. Imagine G.L.O.S.S. on a rampage with TOTALITÄR. This is the second press on Blue vinyl. Detestation - S/T LP An absolute classic of nineties anarcho-hardcore punk that sounds like a mix between Nausea & Sacrilege with some influences from old Swedish bands and highly angry socio-political lyrics is also back in stock. The recent reissue on 2x12" of MISERY - FROM WHERE THE SUN NEVER SHINES is back in stock this crucial crust-punk semi classic from 2012.MISERY don't really need an introduction do they? Along with NAUSEA and APOCALYPSE they spearheaded the American crust-punk scene since the late eighties.