Nuevo en: Vanguard, Life Force, Fiddlehead, Ignite
Nuevas llegadas incluyeVanguarduna banda de hardcore metálico vegano sin complejos,Life Force,una banda de hardcore de vanguardia con el espíritu de inspiración clásica de equipos juveniles, aunque con un toque moderno más oscuro.Fiddlehead- 'Springtime and Blind' 12" con miembros de Have Heart y Basement, con una gran influencia del post-hardcore melódico de DC de los años 80 y 90, como Fugazi y Rites Of Spring.MDC"Multi-Death Coroprations" se lanzó originalmente en 1983, la continuación de su sencillo debut "John Wayne Was A Nazi" (como The Stains y antes de que su nombre cambiara a MDC).Harto de todo: "¡Despierta al dragón dormido!" Los padrinos del hardcore neoyorquino hacen su regreso triunfal a Fat con este tema de 17 pistas.NOFXforja un nuevo territorio en el panorama del punk rock con su oferta "Wolves In Wolves' Clothing".Warzonefue una de las bandas más cruciales e influyentes que surgieron de la escena hardcore de Nueva York "Open Your Eyes". fue su segundo LP. Lo sentimos, se agotaron los discos de Mindforce y Rancid.
CHUJOZA are young crust blood on the DIY punk scene from Poland. Their debut LP features 11 old-school crust punk songs with socio-political lyrics and amazing artwork from War bad...
CHUJOZA are young crust blood on the DIY punk scene from Poland. Their debut LP features 11 old-school crust punk songs with socio-political lyrics and amazing artwork from War bad...
Poison Ruin Return with their highly anticipated new EP alongside Poison Ruin's frontman making his dungeon synth solo debut with Shadow Knell POISON RUIN reach through the dark once again...
Poison Ruin Return with their highly anticipated new EP alongside Poison Ruin's frontman making his dungeon synth solo debut with Shadow Knell POISON RUIN reach through the dark once again...
Both bands rage with disgust at world that can sit by as genocide takes place, as women and marginalised people suffer under the boot of a bullshit system. Delivered with...
Both bands rage with disgust at world that can sit by as genocide takes place, as women and marginalised people suffer under the boot of a bullshit system. Delivered with...