MILITARIE GUN: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE GUN II 12" and My Life IS Over 7" Alternating between ruthless hardcore punk and melodic post-hardcore, the Los Angeles band seek emotional truth that still rips. ILLITERATES - NO EXPERTS 12" scorching follow-up to the self-titled debut, with even faster, shorter, and tougher songs, plus catchy gang vocals. ZORN - S/T 12" think Die Kreuzen by way of Voivod. CLAIMED CHOICE - S/T 7" and WE WON’T GIVE IN MLP A winning mix of oi!/punk and Bovver glam. Imagine the clichés trying to do Slade…or the other way around? KORO: EP 7" a repress of one of the best hardcore records ever, Koro's 1983 7" EP. Highly recommended. ISS - SPIKES+ 12" lo-fi punk dripping with the sneer and attitude to rival CRASS. ICD10 - FAITH IN INSTITUTIONS 12" think anthemic anarcho-hardcore of Final Conflict and the Iconoclast, the total noise approach of 80s Kyushu punk,FRACTURE "Purgatoire" EP Young Parisian trio, Fracture have already made a lot of noise with their sound and texts that alternate oi! claims and angry punk. OI! L'ALBUM VOLUME II LP 14 French and French speaking band well worth checking out. TORSO: SONO PRONTA A MORIRE 12" debut 12" of crusty riffs and rhythms of Swedish hardcore like Totalitär and Herätys with pit-clearing mid-paced parts. RÉCIDIVE – TRIPES D’ACIER 7″ A breath of fresh air in the Parisian oi scene! a rich band and varied in its influences, to look for as much as Criminal Damage or Blitz and the Cult
NEWS/PRE-ORDERS: Lots and lots of you have pre-ordered Flower - Hardly A Dream they are on their way those unfamiliar think New York Crust Nausea we are goine through 2/3 of copies so far while you are at you can pre-order Wolfbrigade - In Darkness You Feel No Regrets we are doing Ireland/UK distribution. We have also just added pre-orders for THE PROLETARIAT - INDIFFERENCE reissue out end of April Early US post punk from one of the early Boston hardcore band. Crust legends Hiatus new LP "Out Of Hand" is on its way we dont have pre-order up yet but you can put your name down for a copy if interested click here and you can also stick your name down for Tyrant 12" their 2 7"s on a 12" and Tchernobyl 7"of Parisian Oi from UVPV