New In: Genome, Plague Thirteen, Excrement Of War, Svaveldioxid

New In: Genome, Plague Thirteen, Excrement Of War, Svaveldioxid

New arrivals this week comes from Phobia Records the Czech Republic D-Beat factory who have been pumping out the releases of recent and we have a few new entries and a couple of restocks

Out last week was the for the first time on vinyl, Excrement Of War – Cathode Ray Coma LP Classic 90’s crust massacre with Doom, Cruelty, Dirt etc. members, with fresh new artwork and remastered by Kenko / Communichaos Media Clay Station. also fresh from the presses is the is a double d-beat / raw punk attack in the vein of Disclose / Framtid. Affect coming from Sweden and Löckheed from USA together on a split 7″. Plague Thirteen offer up their debut release with members of Link (Belgium) Plague Thirteen continue in the the dark hardcore vein of Link with a dark, heavy and raw crust the Autumn Covid lockdown soundtrack! Genöme 12″ debut loud and noisy crasher mangel crusty punk from Malmö Sweden featuring members of Crutches this won’t disappoint you crasher noise crusters out there. Double käng attack from Sweden. Gefyr = raw punk and Förgiftad with more classic scandinavian hardcore as they come together for a split 12″.Back in stock Parasit – Samhällets Paria LP swedish d-beat / crust band incl. members from Diskonto, Uncurbed, Asocial….Pure raw hardcore madness…Two releases from D-takt mönsters Svaveldioxid back in stock their 7″ ‘Krigets Brutalitet’ and their split with Skeleton from Canada. 

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